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It’s one of the most commonly used forms among 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, which means there are more opportunities to make a misstep. 使用 One to Four Family Residential Contract (Resale) (TAR 1601, TREC 20-14) correctly with this handy guide.

What is the “Effective Date” of the contract?


合同第8页有一个方框,用于填写双方签订合同的日期, 哪个叫生效日期. 生效日期是合同中最重要的日期,因为这是合同正式约束双方遵守约定条款的日子,也是衡量合同履行期限的日期.

Agents can confer with one another to ensure the proper effective date is written.

生效日期是什么时候? The effective date is the date of “final acceptance.最后接受是指最后接受(签署)合同的一方将其接受通知另一方或其代理人的那一天.
In a typical transaction, buyers send an offer. 如果卖方接受要约,他们必须将接受合同的消息通知买方. 通信发生的日期是代理填写为生效日期的日期.

How to calculate time periods and deadlines

大多数时期的表现在 One to Four Family Residential Contract (Resale) are written as “within X days after the Effective Date.这意味着履约期的第一天为生效日后的第一天. The effective date should be considered “Day Zero.”

确定一个特定的最后期限, start with the day after the effective date as Day 1, and continue counting until you reach the number of negotiated days for that deadline.


If a seller is willing to convey personal property, 比如美国职业棒球大联盟中列出的冰箱, the personal property must be included in the contract to be binding on the seller. A seller’s personal property can be conveyed using the 合同附录非不动产项目 (tar 1924, trec op-m).

Paragraph 2 of the contract defines what “Property” the seller is selling to the buyer. 根据合同,卖方将转让“土地、改良设施和附件”.”


改善包括房子, 车库, and all other “fixtures” and improvements attached to the real property. The contract lists several items that may be considered “improvements,“然而, 这些物品必须是“永久安装和内置的”,才能自动运送给买家.

What is considered permanently installed and built-in?

物业上的某一特定项目是否“永久安装和内置”是一个根据具体情况确定的事实问题. There is no universal rule that states a particular item, 比如安全系统, is always permanently installed and built-in.


A fixture is an item that began its life as personal property, 但随后又以某种方式附在不动产上成为不动产的一部分. 因此, 当卖方转让其不动产时, they are also conveying the fixture along with it.

Unfortunately, what is or is not a fixture is not a simple question to answer. Texas courts look at three factors to determine if an item is a fixture:

  • 安装该物品的一方是否有意使该物品成为不动产的永久组成部分(意图)
  • Was there a real annexation of the item to the real property (attachment)?
  • Was the item adapted to the uses or purposes of the real property (customization)?

Buyers and sellers should discuss any questionable items before executing a contract, 这样各方就能对哪些物品将留在房屋内,哪些物品将由卖方带走有相同的理解.


Accessories do not have to be permanently installed. 附件项下列出的所有物品均作为合同项下财产的一部分交付给买方.


If a seller intends to keep an item that would normally convey to a buyer, 比如固定装置和改进, the item must be listed as an “exclusion” under this paragraph, otherwise it will convey to buyer as part of the property.

How the 终止选项 and 修复的修正案 work together

A buyer is not in default of the contract for failure to pay the option fee. 不支付期权费的唯一惩罚是买方没有终止期权的权利.

根据第23段, 终止选项, 买方可支付一笔费用,以获得在商定的天数内终止合同的选择权. 期权费必须在生效日期后三天内支付给卖方,而不是产权公司.

如果合同上没有列明费用, or if the buyer fails to pay the fee within three days, the buyer would not have the right to terminate under the 终止选项.

买方终止合约的权利在期权期的最后一天5点结束.m. 房产所在地的当地时间. 这是整个合同中唯一一个有实际执行时间的截止日期. For all other deadlines, a party would have until the end of the day (11:59 p.m.)表演.


因为这份合同是"现状"合同, 卖方只需要在合同中或在合同生效后对他们同意的财产进行修理. If buyers are going to request seller make repairs during the option period, 买方代理不应等到期权期的最后一天才提交修改.

A repair amendment is not binding on the sellers until sellers sign it. 终止期限不因买卖双方在期限前开始修理修改谈判而自动延长. 如果卖方在买方期权期的最后一天还没有在修改书上签字, the buyers must either send notice of termination by 5 p.m. 房产所在地的当地时间, or remain in the contract without the sellers agreeing to make any repairs.

What can REALTORS® write in Paragraph 11, Special Provisions?

简短的回答? 很少. If clients absolutely want or need a special term to be written into their contract, you should advise them to consult an attorney.

2021十大正规彩票app许可法》和《2021十大正规彩票app经纪人道德准则》都禁止2021十大正规彩票app经纪人从事未经授权的法律行为. 除非他也是德州执业律师, 代理人和经纪人正在越界,为他们的客户准备或起草法律文件或语言,进入未经授权的法律实践.


TREC规则537.11(b)(5)提供了指导:“许可证持有人不得……定义或影响权利的草案语言, obligations or remedies of the principals of a real estate transaction, 包括升级, 估价或其他或有条款.换句话说, 在合同条款下,一方有权或有义务做某事, an agent or broker cannot draft language changing that right or obligation. 因此, 如果特别条款中插入的语言要求一方做一些他们不必做的事情,就不被视为“事实陈述”, 或禁止一方做他们在合同条款下可以做的事情.